Monday, January 1, 2024

A Wish For 2024 -A Show Called WolfHunter...

 ...starring Simone Byles...

Who plays a master assassin.lots of awesome actresses of color who aren't on TV enough, like Sonequa Martin Green and Sandra Oh, and very high production quality and gorgeous men, too...and great location shooting and fantastic action and STUNTS.

It's somewhere between La Femme Nakita and The Diplomat and The Equalizer, except the fantasy fulfilment is she takes out, symbolically, Putin and Musk and Trump and all the world's worst dictators and authoritarian dickheads.  


Except every week she would gripe about her code name, because she loves wolves.  We could even follow her wolf-watching and foiling actual wolf-hunters in Alaska, wrecking their tracking instruments as they fly over in helicopters.

Voiceover: "Shooting a mother wolf and her cubs as they sleep in their den?  I don't call that sporting."

Male voiceovere: "I don't need to remind you that the pricing on this equipment justt drove the price on your little outing up threefold." (Her manager and partner is played by a wicked sexy British actor, as close to a Cumberbatch as can be cast)

"Three-fold? Are we in a Shakespeare play right now?"

"Come on, you loved my Guildenstern."

"It was the accent."

"At your disposal, My Lady."

"See you back at the cabin, my leige.  And don't worry about the bill.  It's covered."

"You are the top of your field.  Well, you are the only one in your field.  So, having no competition, of course you bring in the top salary."

"Well, I define that, and what it's worth."

"The Russian you did for cheap.  That surprised me."

"Did you forget?  I trained with Ukranians.  I have friends in that country.  I wasn't going to gouge them.  They're just people trying to survive."

"Of course."

"The tech dink was different.  Silicon Valley and the Pentagon could afford to compensate me."

"And did so nicely."

"You gretting jealous now?"

"Never.  I consider myself your manager, of sorts."

"Of sorts?  Don't modify that.  You are my manager, even if you become other things to me."

"I am in danger of interpereting that as encouragement."

"Beyond this point-" she took a handful of his goretex jacket, pulled him close and kissed him, "There be dragons."

"I am no Saint George.  I am a friend to dragons."

"You are more than a friend," she growled.

"I'm glad we have the room for the weekend."

"Yes.  I've got it covered."

She rolled on her back in the snow as the helicopter passed over them, pointing the instrument up at it.  

Inside the helicopter, the instruments blinked, scrolled, went static.  

"My tracking instruments are all offline."

"It's interference from a domestic source.  A professional source.  This isn't geo-EMFs.  It's tech generated.  Somebody is preventing us from hunting.  Someone is tracking us out here."

"So let's track them back."

"Bad idea.  I think I know who it is."


"It's a government wolf-lover.  Just let it go."

"Ugh.  Some leftover animal activist?  Or another hunter, competing?"

"Let it go."

VOICOVER drone footage of winter scenery:  For the record, I'm also a wolf watcher and a wolf lover and protector.  I profoundly admire these magnificent top Natural predators; they are crucial to a healthy forest biome.  And so beautiful.  The First Nations people of this region referred to wolves as their brothers and had fascinating interactions with wolf packs, much like the peoples on the plains of the Serenghetti have had for centuries with the prides of lions living there.

If I hadn't pursued my career with the FBI I would have continued my academic career studying animal communication.  It's a growing field, and I would have devoted myself to research.  But there's so much to criminal scuience, too, and many in my family have led lives in service.  A life in service is never one you regret-I learned that from my Dad, who was a Marine.  Lots of Marines in my family, and lots of policewomen, too.  I was going to be a game warden, but the FBI called me and I had to answer.  Linguistics, that was it.  I had an edge they needed.  Even animal linguistics can help you understand criminal communication and the nature of human predators.  But that's all I'm going to say about that  now.

Anyway, the title Wolf Hunter came from someone at the Pentagon.  It wasn't my idea.  But the general  title of the job holds.  Wolves being predators, and a cetrtain profile of malignant narcissist being a predatory personality type, yes, that's what I hunt.  It's a dangerous type of personality when they get power.

 I'm a safety.  I prevent a rabid wolf from getting through the village gates. And if too many people knew about me, there would be trouble.  It's complicated.  I'm a moral conundrum.  But just so you and I are clear with each other, I want you to know:  my conscience is clear.  I have no illusions about what I am and what I do.  I am not a nice person.  I'm not somebody you want to relax and have a beer with.  I am a weapon.  But without me, children don't sleep safe, nights aren't quiet, days aren't free of fear.  I am an unfortunate necessity.  I do my job so you don't have to think about it.  And I know you and your children-and grandchildren-will sleep safe.  

I am the Wolf Hunter.