Sunday, April 5, 2020

A Geek's Journey Into Brain Cancer: Out of Somedays

Cancer is espcially problematic if you're a giant sloth of a procrastinator.

I'm one of those people who spies cupcake liners in a kitchen drawer and thinks, "I'm definitely going to try popovers at this altitude again someday."  My first attempt yeilded a tray of hot hockey pucks, but this was years ago.

The problem: only 25% of people newly diagnosed with glio blastoma are alive 24 months later.  That's with the treatments, like I'm getting: big resection (94% removed), chemo, and radiation.

That's not even on the same timeline for me as "someday". "Someday" for me is fast tracked at five years.

Plus, I have a novel to finish...and another I'd love to get written if I get time. No baking.  Just writing.

Nobody knows how much time they have, and most of the world is now experiencing what I've experienced a few times, first as a kid in the hospital with asthma, and now as a brain tumor patient.  Laying low, hoping high, riding the rollercoaster of anxiety/depression/hope/distraction, ad nauseum.  But this isn't that new for me.  It's a kick in the crotch to the rest of the world for the most part.  I can't help but be bemused when I read articles that discuss points like, "Did you know that when you're sick it's really hard to get things done and you have no energy?"

Welsome to illness, world.  I'm not happy you're finding out about it.  I hope you recover, but I also hope you remember.

Cuz it's unlikely I'll be here to bitch at you about it.

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