Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Among Us

Take heed of the illustration, because it was created by my friend Sarah Walker, and because it says everything I can't say.  Cue Grace Slick's jackhammer vibrato:  "Feed Your Hea-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-d-!"

And, in the interest of saving us both a thousand words, please watch this video:

Annie's experience

The only clinical trials being held presently are in Connecticut, Holland and Denmark, so I'm on my own.  But I'm good at that.   Plus I live in a very safe, harmonious home environment with my loving and indulgent Emotional Support Viking.  To my great fortune, there is also a growing number of therapists who specialize in psychedellic therapy.  The science is also piling up. on the side of the fungus.

I'm grateful to my fellow Colorodans who voted on the measure, like I did, to decriminalize the fungus (which shall henceorth be calld the medicine) we're discussing here.

Speaking of, it's not legal.  Just decriminalized.  If you use it responsibly, it's not dangerous.  But of course anything can be dangerous if you're wreckless or stupid. 

If you're naturally paranoid like me, you use a scale and you journal meticulously.  You also source from someone who loves you and has your best interests at heart (nope, I'm never telling.  Not really legal, remember?).  

I plan to be an outright advocate for this ancient, natural medicine that can give people so much comfort and solace.  I can tell you when you realize you're terminal, that cold maw opens at your feet, and it knows your name, and there isn't any escape, and not much comfort or solace to be found.  What I noticed after my first microdose (.010 grams, or 1 tenth of one gram) was a lifting of both depression and anxiety in the days following.  However, during the the hours dosing, there was a concentrated processing of dark material that can be very challenging if you haven't done that kind of work before.  I'm a therapy veteran; I never bought a house, but I've easily spent a mortgage on therapy.  I've done a lot of work in that arena, so I've got the chops to cope with the dense waves of negativity, which are common in micro and moderate dosing, but you get the payback in the following days when the little joy bombs hit and you find yourself in a dopamine haze, watching your cat's whiskers twitching in the morning breeze with a near-worshipful euphoria as you sip your coffee.  Some of us are appreciation-prone anyway, especially when it comes to the people and animals we love, but it' nice to have a reduction in the dark intrusive thoughts that can really wreck those moments, and the medicine to give that kind of lift to the general perspective.

People need comfort and solace, and deserve qualiy of life while they still have life.  So get ready to hear from the caterpillar with the hookah.  I NEVER thought that would be me, the big lightweight who gets  a migraine from more than one beer.

The first time I micro-dosed,  I carefully weighed 0.10 grams (which henceforth will be referred to as "gs") as I listened to a playlist of select world fusion and meditated deep.  

I noticed nothing that day, which is not uncommon, except release of many uncomfortable feelings including shame, grief, loss, sadness and regret; this is also common with lower and moderate doses.

I did realize that I woke up in a better mood the next day, and several days afterward. The anxiety and depression had moved off like wrung-out storm clouds.

I had my sites on a Big Dose in my future;  I was hoping for transcendance, or the lift and 180 degree turn, or shift, in world view, that the lady in that video got.  

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