Monday, April 6, 2020

A Geek's Journey Into Brain Cancer- Go Figure

I'm pretty arrogant.

I don't mean confrontational.  I just presume that I'll be able to figure most things out.  And I'm not actually that smart.  SO I often get the same wake-up call, which goes like this:  "Go figure-those people who know about this thing I don't understand actually KNOW something!"

The latest little alarm came from cosplay wigs.

When I found out I was going to be bald, partially even permanently, I thought, "Hey!  I don't have to worry about a real wig becaue we have cosplay wigs now!  I can go pastel blue if I want!

What I forgot is that wigs actully need stying, which is a skill many girls learn in high school.

I never learned this skill.  I fought with Aquanet and curling irons for a while in the 80's but then I just gave up.  It didn't interest me. 

So, after ordering the cosplay wigs I thought it was so hip of me to think of, I got reminded that wigs need styling and I suck at that.

Go figure.  People who rock cosplay wigs know how to STYLE THEM.

Anyway, here's what happens when you dont learn to style your hir and then you order cosplay wigs thinking you're all cool and stuff...................


  1. lol I bought several wigs over the past couple of years thinking the same thing-- "I'm going to be soooooo cool". I didn't know these jerks need me to style and care for them, I just thought it was a magical moment from box to head. I should have warned you. :-P But you look adorable in each photo. You smile refills my soul <3

  2. You only need to style them if people expect hair neatness from you. If you’ve never been into styling your hair, then people will simply assume you’ve changed cuts and styles. Same old you! Me? I’m known for going 48 hours without a brush. It’s all good.

  3. You are gorgeous in each photo. The hair is fun, but not necessary.

  4. LOL that's how everyone's hair looks, now that we're all working from home : ) Hugs!
