Thursday, July 9, 2020


I finished my sci-fi novella (strictly speaking I should call it call it feminist sci-fi), which I think is best described this way:

Icharus meets Othello on Mars in 300 years, but with a female potagonist and mosly female First Nations characters.  It easily passes the Bechdel test.

I'm going to figure out how to serialize it so you can read it on your phone, and I'll post updates possibly twice a week, depending on what readers prefer.


 I will not be asking your advice on how to write my novel (plus, too late, it's finished) or improve it.  I don't fear criticism; I've learned in thirty years of radio how to handle threats, raging diatribes, snide insults, all forms of "splaining" and back-handed "helpful" comments, etc.  You can rant in comments all you like, but don't expect a response. If you are ill-mannered, expect to be deleted.

The reason I will not be 'Fixing It" for you very simple:  My time on Earth is very likely going to end within ten years, or possibly even five, or less.  I refuse to spend any of that time trying to appease anybody or calm anybody down.  If you don't like it, don't read it, and don't bother apologizing to me for not reading it.

Life is too short.  Trust me on this one.

If I can accept a terminal dianosis, you can accept the fact that I wrote this book for me and I won't be changing it for you.  Only people who expressed an earnest interest in reading it will get prompts that there's a fresh post.

I will be asking for donations to be made to the Hopi Nation every time I post, although I haven't figured out how to do that yet.

A hike in Blue John canyon in Utah, followed by a visit to the villiage of Walpi in the Hopi Nation many years ago, put me on thte trail of this story.  I stalked it for over a decade.  When I learned about my diagnosis, the one thing I knew I wanted was to finish it.

Now I'm going to dare to try to finish another.

But first, a warning of incoming story.  It's a novella called The Wind Spindle, and posts will begin soon.  It is adult fiction with some adult themes, so don't post the link for kids.

If you only check in with this blog to find out if I'm dying yet, you've been warned...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on finishing Woo and Hoo! Cant wait to read it, sign me up for those prompts : )
