Sunday, November 15, 2020

Done Manifestin'

 ANew Age friend was talking to me on the phone the other day as she circled a parking lot, trying to "manifest" a parking space ( Yes, I did mention that she might have a safer "manifesting" if she hung up and focused on one thing at a time.).

Also,I thought to myself, "Let's unpack this Harry Potter magical trunk.  So to 'Manifest' that parking space she would have to be controlling a minimum of  how many people?....  thousands in traffic!  i mean, to you would have to be Dumbledore.  This is WAY beyond Harry, much less an ordinary muggle.   

I personally know and love several New Age people who are not control freaks, megalomaniacs or raging narcisists, but that's not to say that these aren't traits found among some New Agers. 

Unfortunate  oncologists  dread the day they have to explain  to patients that the  time has arrived  when  you can't stop a tsunami by fighting it. This is Nature.  People aren't prepared to accept the reality.  They've been fighting all the way along and it mattered;suddenly it doesn't matter anymore. Why not?  What if we just fight harder now?  Because this is cancer.  You can't hold off a tidal wave with your defiance.

So then, ow much Manifestin are people to be held metaphysically responsible for?  

Some people will rush to hold you resonsible for your own misfortune, which in my view is thee most cowardly of the manifestins.  Holding someone responsible for their own good fortune is encouraging, possibly a little codependent ( nobody gets anywhere totally on their own, I'm sorry); But blaming someone for heir own misfortune is solid third-grade mean-girl. "You have bad teeth and have to go to the dentist because you're stupid!"Is built on that logic.  

I don't hold with the code of third grade mean girl culture, nor general New Age manifestin cuture, evem though I recognize that at this juncture it's self-serving.  I did not manifest this cancer that is eating into my brain.  I didn't want this for any purpose.  I don' care which doctor theorizes that I manifested it to deal with my subconscious need to externalize my anxieties about fear and self-defense.  He can blow me.  I did not choose this.  Sometimes life hands you shit you didn't choose and you have to deal with that.  So this is me dealing.  A.  Don't say that I in any way wanted this.  Fuck off.  B.  I am not dead yet, no matter what you might be hoping for..i'm still throwing dung like you are.  C.  Don't feel sorry for me.  Brainn tumor patients sleep a lot toward the end and then one day just don't wake up.  It's not exactly like being tortured to death by Dr Mengella.It's not even as painful as many cancers.  

But if anything I'm saying here matters to you, please take this with you:  Stop Blaming People For Their Misfortunes. That's justt MEAN.  STOP IT.

Oh!  And it's NOT JUST ME after all!  

1 comment:

  1. Yes. This. <3 I get quite a bit of it too -- what did you do to get bitten by that dog? nothing. If you'd yoga, essential oiled, acupuncture, pilates, prayed, or... , you wouldn't need another surgery - or any at all. It's a cruel judgment that keeps people from sharing their struggles while filling the bank accounts of charlatans. I'm simply sorry that you have to deal with this on top of what you're going through. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us.
