Sunday, November 15, 2020

Tumor Is Doing Great

 It's trucking right a do dah man.....

The brain surgeon is disappointed and feeling a little helpless.

We're looking into clinical trials and hoping to find one or more in Aurora or Greely rather than Phoenix.

Waiting till late January for the next MRI.  Suits me fine.  Covid will be peaking in hospitals in January.  Maybe I could dodge the peak.  

Thereis a surgery that could buy me six months or thereabouts, a laser ablation of the tumor, which is minimally invasive (if any brain surgury is). so that's a not-horrible choice I have, the others potentially being the clinical trials.

We're out of the snuggly territorry of early treatment now.  We're in the merciless land of the tunor is gaining and here are our choices.  Whatever our choices, the outcome has always been the same, and guaranteed.  It's 100% recurrence.  Same guarantee we've had since the beginning of this.  Same one everybody has.

And now I've got the most overplayed Grateful Dead song in history stuck in my head...

can't help me when I really need ya can ya, tumor?


  1. I love you. That's all. Just...I love you.

  2. Robbie, I love you and miss our (much too brief) work chats. I am a better person for knowing you, from our days at Jefferson-Pilot to WWO. You're one of the most beautiful and authentic people I've ever known.
