Sunday, February 2, 2020

Cake or Death Part 2

With a fresh charge of hope steadying me, I talked to Jim about The Decision.  Do I tell Dr. Strange (NEVER call him that) to take less of the tumor, leaving me with more chance of remission and possibly less time on Earth?  Or do I play it ultra-safe, telling him to take extra but give me a better chance for survival-keeping in mind that this could also leave me paralyzed on the left side?

I remembered Winston Churchill's reply when someone suggested they cut funding for the arts to fund war efforts.  He said, "Then what are we fighting for?"  Except in my head I hear him saying it like, "Whwhat are we fighting fooooooaaaaah?"

If I'm partially paralyzed, tht's really going to fuck up Jim's life.  As well as mine.

And if I'm not me, if I can't be verbose and effusive, if I suddenly can't use those words in a sentence, if I lose myself, what good am I?  Why go through this fight at all?

Jim gave me his trademark affirmative sound that's a bit like "Un-huh," but without vowels.

So, yeah.  The Decision is Cake or Death.  I'm going for the Cake with possible earlier death.  Seems to me you can't get much more hopeful than that.

1 comment:

  1. Brave, beautiful, and wise. Let's eat cake and dance while we're here. ❤️
