Monday, February 17, 2020

For anybody who's worried or sad or upset...

Chedk out this Ted Talk by Emily Levine(the REAL Frankie?), whith whom I share a few opinions, like: to be anti-death is to be anti-woman because it's anti-Nature.

My favorite quote, though, because OMG ME TOO:  "One of the "yay!"s of dying:  my executive brain function won't have me to kick around anymore."  Emily Levine

If life is a banquet, I overate ( and I did that, too, a LOT).  I don't have a bucket list.  When I told my friend Kim this she said, "Well, what's LEFT?" (Thank you wonderful Kim! But it's true that that I never DID get to England or get my Master's in Litreraure or Theatre, so I lived a very blue-collar, rock and roll banquet. Cue Sid Vicious:  "OI did it MOyyyyyyyyyyyy...WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!")

I believe it's a Crow Nation story about death that when you die you meet all the animals you ate.  And you want to be able to say to them, "I respected the life you gave me.  I worked to feed my people (or just took care of my people).  I loved as HARD as I knew how." and then you bow to them and lay your body down because it's YOUR TURN.


ANd this video too, because I believe Death is compassionate.  Without Her, we'd just fall behind, stiff and achy and unable to keep up, and we'd never get to rest.

Thw music sucks, though.

1 comment:

  1. I applaud you, every step of the way. Nobody knows for sure what we'd do in these circumstances, but I hope I'd have the clarity and strength of you. Love you forever!
